The Bubble Life June 15th 2020, Personal transformation and being done with Zoom sessions May 10th 2020, The Corona Guy May 13th 2020, People living in isolation on top of each other. After 2 months people are getting bored, pressure seems to rise. June 3th 2020, Feeling totally deflated by the murder of George Floyd August 10th 2020, Folks ignoring the sanitizer station, walk by and have a grab fest June 12th 2020, While lice are killing some of my cucumber plants, I at least get to share and bond about this micro bummer with my neighbour. May 29th 2020, Regulations loosening up, folks slowly going back out there. June 8th 2020, With some distance, looking back at last weeks aftermath of George Floyd's murder July 22th 2020, Youth seems Virus blind July 23th 2020, Observing the summer of 2020 June 3th 2020, Feeling totally deflated by the murder of George Floyd May 13th 2020, Folks protesting lockdown May 28th 2020, Folks in a Toronto park relaxing in safety circles, like slices of pepperoni on a pizza May 17th 2020, The stage of not caring about the curtains anymore June 19th 2020, Who or what is behind all of this happening in the world these days? May 18th 2020, The stage of not caring about the curtains anymore May 30th 2020, Regulations loosening up, folks slowly going back out there. II May 11th 2020, The longing for physical contact in quarantine May 21th 2020, Is the current state of the world going to lead us to have interaction with alien life? June 13th 2020, Who is driving this strange world we live in? June 1th 2020, Loosening up regulations and allowing people to drink alcohol in public June 23th 2020, How is alien life form looking at the earth’s situation right now? June 10th 2020, Post George Floyd's murder, looking forward to equality for all July 21th 2020, The feeling of being played with by selfish forces June 11th 2020, Gardening as a way of staying calm and sane July 10th 2020, The spinning of the outside world. May 9th 2020, Living in isolation May 14th 2020, Some folks seem to have more space than others. July 2th 2020, Reluctant people who are complaining and giving working folks a hard time trying to do there jobs safely so we can all benefit from it. May 8th 2020, Living in isolation August 11 2020, The importance of going out and doing something fun, but doing it safely. June 17th 2020, Fighting the beaches of Normandy metaphor May 27th 2020, Talkshow hosts providing comic relief from their to our homes July 7th 2020, With people picking up there lives, surreal and new images appear. May 20th 2020, While some people in the world are very vulnerable, other people want a hair cut May 7th 2020, Living in isolation May 16th 2020, Cleaning as part of daily routine in quarantine May 6th 2020, The start of the living in isolation series June 25th 2020, The loosening up of restrictions revealing the worried and unworried May 22th 2020, Going outside like it's all over. But are we there yet? May 15th 2020, Folks living in isolation and longing for escape June 26th 2020, Challenging times with folks not paying attention. July 30th 2020, Adolescents not giving a toss May 19th 2020, Folks that have the luxury of going outside without fear July 3th 2020, Regulations in times of COVID-19 July 1st 2020, False sense of safety